Artist Statement

My art prac­tice deals with the sha­red po­ten­ti­al with­in the cre­a­ti­on, selec­ti­on and dis­play of vis­u­al lan­guag­es and the re­view­ing or re-us­ing of ex­isting work. Working in the trad­iti­on of Provi­si­onal painting I am in­ter­ested in the opportu­nities of co­l­lab­o­ra­ti­on in rela­ti­on to painting and in­stal­la­ti­on. Within these co­l­lab­o­ra­ti­ons with one or more (non)a­rtist(s) I for­mu­late con­di­ti­ons in or­der to work in­tu­itively.

Since the end of 2014, I make use of the kitch­en as an archetype with­in my art prac­tice. Next to the archetyp­i­cal qua­lities of a kitch­en, its prac­ti­cal use and de­sign ex­tend my i­deas of what (a) painting can be now­a­days. The kitch­en ac­ti­vates the painting and vice ver­sa.

The kitch­en has be­come one of the last spaces where­in form and aes­thet­ic of func­ti­ona­lity, mod­ernism and min­i­ma­lism are ar­tic­u­lat­ed so clea­rly. I’d like to see the kitch­en as an expe­rimen­tal lab­o­ratory, a place for sen­so­ry ac­tiv­i­ties, a spir­itual place and a so­cial are­a which is im­portant in bring­ing peo­ple to­geth­er. 

Theoretical Support

During my mas­ter I sea­rched for new ways how I could re­late to the art of painting. Theoreti­cal sup­port I found in texts such as Provi­si­onal Painting by Raph­a­el Ru­benstein and Why Are Con­ce­p­tu­al Artist Painting Aga­in? Because they think it’s a go­od i­dea by Jan Verwoert. They of­fered me per­spec­tive on the ques­ti­on which forms of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on are or aren’t pos­si­ble by me­ans of the work of art, in which I take the art of painting as sta­rt­ing point. At this link you can find a sum­ma­ry of my the­sis.


Maarten Spons, *1985, Heerlen, the Netherlands. Lives and works in Arnhem, NL


Master Fine Arts AKV|St. Joost ’s Hertogenbosch NL, 2013-2015 Bachelor Fine Arts, Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts and Design NL, 2005-2009 Social pedagogical worker, Leeuwenborgh college MBO, Maastricht NL, 2001-2005 Antwerp Summer School of Art, MOBILE AUTONOMY, 24.08-30.08.2015 Hosted by Lokaal 01, Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerpen, Middelheimmuseum, Extra City, Arts in Society

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