Hot Spices Wet Feet

In collaboration with Ermias Kifleyesus (ET)

Mfa AKV|St.Joost, ’s-Hertogenbosch, NL

Graduation show The Collection

In conversation with curator Petra Heck

Location Greylight Project, Brussel, BE

Date 03.04.–16.04.2015

I used my grad­u­a­ti­on show as an opportu­nity to show works that were de­vel­oped dur­ing my mas­ters study, both indi­vi­du­al­ly (An­toine) and in co­l­lab­o­ra­ti­on (The Sat­ur­days). I al­so de­vel­oped a work on lo­ca­ti­on in co­l­lab­o­ra­ti­on with Brus­sels-based es­tab­lished a­rtist Ermi­as Kifleyesus in front of the billbo­a­rd on the fa­cade of the project site. This to en­gage a–vis­u­al–inte­rac­ti­on with the works of fel­low a­rtists as well as pass­ers-by–both an­i­mal and hu­man. This by me­ans of a sys­tem of pipes of a to­tal of 50 me­ters. Connected to the wat­er ma­in, my tem­po­ra­ry sys­tem of pipes me­andered through dif­fer­ent hall­ways and spaces, pa­rtly ta­king a prom­i­nent spot and pa­rtly less strongly vis­i­ble. Final­ly the pipes led outsi­de, un­der the billbo­a­rd, where wat­er dra­ined on­to the si­dewalk and the street. The pa­inting in co­l­lab­o­ra­ti­on with Ermi­as Kifleyesus con­sists of re-used wall­pa­per with re­pre­sentati­ons of kitch­ens, in­her­it­ed of the project Things Are Co­oking in Our Kitchen. The backsi­de of this served as the sup­port to pa­int on­to with spices and herbs.